MWH Presents: 1977

13 July 31, 2014
MWH 1977 Book Debuts!
At the Charlotte Fanfest on July 31, 2014, Mark James will debut this book. He has a table with Jim Cornette all 4 days.
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'Memphis Wrestling History Presents: 1977 The War For Memphis' by Mark James!

Memphis Wrestling History Presents: 1977 The War For Memphis , by Mark James
The long awaited follow up to Memphis Wrestling History Presents 1982 is finally here! Take a look back at one of Memphis Wrestling's most
important years, 1977. That year Memphis owner Nick Gulas and Memphis booker went to war over the rights to hold matches in the river city. In
addition to that war, another war was brewing in the ring that summer. Jerry Lawler and Bill Dundee had arguably Memphis's greatest feud ever that ended up
with 3 haircuts given before it was over. 1977 also saw the retirement Jerry Lawler and the arrival of Handsome Jimmy Valiant. This amazing look back at
1977 has a special Foreword written by one of the men in that war for Memphis, Jerry Jarrett.
Memphis Wresting Presents 1977 (434 pp., B&W) is available on July 31, 2014. It is priced at $24.99 and is available in print
at AMAZON.COM as well as the publisher's WEBSITE.
Lastly, the book is also available for fans in the UK at AMAZON UK
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